Both Sides #17: Federal Judge Brian Wimes on Sentencing Guidelines and Issues Surrounding Crime

Both Sides #17 is the second episode of the KCCG July Both Sides Takeover. In this episode, Mike and Allan talk with Judge Brian Wimes of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri, where he has served since 2007. Judge Wimes brings a vast knowledge of federal judiciary sentencing guidelines and issues surrounding crime in Kansas City.
In the month of July 2020, American Public Square at Jewell’s sister organization, KC Common Good (KCCG) will be taking over Both Sides. Have no fear, you’ll still get your weekly does of civil dialogue from Mike and Allan, however, this month we’ll draw special attention to topics that are relevant to KC Common Good’s mission such as: Hope, Crime Prosecution, Affordable Housing, and Empowering at-risk youth.